Organic lemons are yellow citrus fruits that belong to the Rutaceae family. The fruits are native to the South Asian region. Organic lemons are often oval or circular in shape, and they feature thick skin. Their juice is acidic and sour because it is loaded with citrus acid. People use organic lemons to add flavouring to desserts, sauces, salad dressings, cocktails, and baked goods. They make lemonade by blending water and lemon juice. Drinking organic lemon juice with olive oil is a home remedy for gallstones. A study has reported that drinking lemon water might offer some safety against arthritis and inflammatory polyarthritis. This blog discusses the benefits of consuming organic lemons which will make you purchase these juicy fruits from a well-known organic lemon wholesaler.
1 It might manage hypertension
Organic lemon juice may help people manage their blood pressure with long-term consumption. Research has reported that daily drinking of organic lemon juice in conjunction with walking i.e. average body movement, may have proved to be efficient in cutting down blood pressure. A research article has shown that organic lemon juice features blood pressure-lowering qualities particularly evident in hypertension patients rather than amongst persons with normal blood pressure.
2 It might help people cut down their weight
Consuming warm water with honey and lemon in the morning helps people reduce their weight. While that may or may not work for people, a study on mice has shown that organic lemon contains polyphenols that can suppress body fat accumulation and weight gain. This can have positive consequences for lemon juice beverages in human weight loss. Lemon honey juice fasting may also help cut down weight.

3 It might help prevent kidney stones
Fresh lemon juice concentrate and lemon concentrate contain more citrus acid per liter than orange juice and grapefruit. A study has confirmed the concentration of citrus acid content. Another research has shown that the high level of citrus can help add to urinary citrate levels by over two times without changing the cumulative urinary volume. Therefore, people can use lemonade therapy as a secondary therapeutic treatment for treating hypocitraturia calcium nephrolithiasis i.e., urinary stones developed because of low citrate consumption. Studies have highlighted that organic lemon juice or lemonade could eliminate the development of kidney stones through the formation of urinary citrate, which averts the development of crystals.
4 It could possibly help provide dental care
Low levels of vitamin C might make people suffer from periodontitis. Apart from that, people can use organic lemons to clean their teeth. While several remedies would advocate utilizing baking soda and lemon, try circumventing it as it might result in dental erosion. The safest method is to opt for a toothpaste comprising this fruit as one of its ingredients. To utilize organic lemons or organic lemon juice for dental care, consult a healthcare professional before trying out anything new.
5 It may help provide hair care
Anecdotal evidence informs us that Palestinian folk remedies value organic lemons for their hair care qualities. Lemon juice blended with apple cider vinegar and chamomile paste has often been used to change hair texture. This juice has proved helpful in treating damaged hair on a broad scale. Whenever blended with olive oil and applied to the scalp, the juice can solve problems such as hair loss, dandruff, and other scalp problems. Several beauty professionals also recommend that people apply lemon juice to their hair as it might provide a natural shine. Nevertheless, a sufficient amount of research is yet awaited.
6 It can play the role of a good skin care agent
Organic lemon juice, a natural antiseptic medication, might also treat skin problems. This juice comprises vitamin C; thus, people can apply it to reduce the pain of bee stings and sunburns. It also helps treat eczema and acne. Citrus juices like lemon juice are an anti-aging remedy and might decrease blackheads and wrinkles. Drinking lemon juice blended with honey and water might help the skin look healthy. Several over-the-counter cosmetic commodities also consist of lemon as a natural skincare agent.
7 It might have potential anticoagulant qualities
Very few studies have been conducted to determine the lemon’s anticoagulant qualities. Research conducted nine years ago on rabbits found that organic lemon is an anti-thrombin part, which tells that it might help regulate blood clotting and avert excessive blood loss due to injury.
8 It might relieve asthma
Organic lemon juice might help in relieving breathing and respiratory problems like its capability to soothe a person who suffers from asthma. Being loaded with vitamin C, organic lemons also help cure more long-term respiratory illnesses.
9 It might decrease corns
Organic lemon juice can play a crucial role in breaking down lumps on the skin. So it may be helpful when applied to the regions where skin has hardened and developed calluses and corns such as your hands’ palms and the feet’s soles.

10 It might cure or prevent throat infections
Because of its well-known anti-bacterial qualities, organic lemon is a great fruit that might strongly cure health problems such as throat diseases. People can add organic lemons to their teas or soups for relief.
Utilizing a lemon in your diet
People can use several ways to add lemon concentrate to their diet. They can toss a spoon filled with organic lemon juice on their salads, add organic lemon juice to their tea, or blend with cucumber water to add flavor. An organic lemon provides you around two to three tablespoons of organic juice, but that might also changes according to the lemon’s size.
Types of lemon
When several people think about a lemon, they imagine a bright yellow fruit. There are actually a couple of kinds of lemons cultivated commercially. These include common sour lemons(Citrus limon) and bitter orange( Citrus aurantium). Both kinds of lemons are cultivated ideally in tropical areas, where temperatures range between twenty-seven and thirty-two degree Celsius and the soil comprises primarily of clay and limestone.